Monday, April 20, 2009

Assasinations and the Creepy, Bizarre, Evil, Tall People

I had killed someone. I was on a contract job of some sort for some shady group of people I barely knew much about, just needed the cash. I didn't even know the guy I was killing, just a time and a place I was supposed to be. He barely finished his sentence before I took this odd device which, once a button was pressed, shot out a nine-inch long thin metal spike. I put it through his neck. He looked incredibly surprised, and cursed and twisted on the ground while bleeding to death. I took off running, but somehow the cops saw, and began to chase me. Trenchcoat billowing in the wind behind me, i ran through a nondescript rainy European capital, hopping over trashcans and cars, over walls, until they got in their car. The tried repeatedly to run me over, but I supposed it's impossible to actually die in a dream. After failing at squashing me, I hopped onto a nearby taxi, perched atop, clutching th lighted sign. The cops crashed their car over and over into the car I was on top of, still to no avail. My adrenaline was pumping out of my ears. I literally flew off of the car, over a wall with concertina wire, into the parking lot of a giant american style grocery store. I ditched the trenchcoat and tried my best to just calmly walk in.

There was a little dopey cafe area in the back, with hot dogs, nachos, and soda, with yellow plastic booths. All my friends were there, drinking soda, hanging out, jokin.' I sat down next Kar and we began chatting, and I poured her a Coca Cola Classic from a two liter bottle. We then decided it would be a great idea to go get a room at a hotel across town which was extremely luxurious. I remember that the price of the room was $2,000 a night, which I gladly paid, as I had just made a small fortune from the slaying in the rainy street.

Next thing I know, its the next day, and we are walking down a busy street ensconced by gaslamps and grey stone buildings. I hold her hand as we walk, busily chatting about something or another. This man approaches me, in his fifties, plump, wearing an odd, almost RENN FAIREish out fit, and points to my chest, saying "I like it" and nodding approvingly. I look down and I am wearing a grey sweatshirt with the text from Liber Oz printed on it. I look back at him and say "Yes, thank you! 93, brother!" and he looks at me confusedly and walks away. As soon as we turn to continue walking, we are surrounded by extremely tall people, with very long, cartoonish, very creepy faces. The are upwards of twelve feet tall, leering over us, silent. I am leading Kar through this increasingly creepy and bizarre crowd, and turn around and say "are we in some kind of crazy Alice in Wonderland dimension?" Mirroring my thoughts, she nods, wide-eyed, aghast. I am very scared...there is something deeply, repulsively evil about these tall people in casual business attire, stopping over us, leering.

Then my best friend Skyped me, jolting me from the scene.

Happy trails!

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