Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Inimitable Robert Anton Wilson, One of my Biggest Heroes

I was getting nostalgic of that time when I first discovered the brilliant, hilarious, activating, and illuminating work of the late Robert Anton Wilson, who passed on from our dimension in late 2007. It was his book, Cosmic Trigger, which spurred me into an enlightening, bizarre, and perpetual quest to find out the truth about this whole universe/spirituality/consciousness/humanity thing. I read that book in one sitting, and delighted in its encyclopedic review of religion, quantum physics, psychedelia, Aleister Crowley, the occult, yoga, systems theory, and 1960s American pop culture. Everyone should read this book, should these topics remotely interest you. Quantum Psychology, which revolutionizes conceptions of how perception, awareness, and quantum reality interact, blew my mind as well. Prometheus Rising, another great, explains and expands upon Timothy Leary's very informative 8 Circuit theory of human psycho-spiritual development. Out of all the people in history that I would like to have a beer with, Robert would be up there with Frank Zappa, Jesus Christ, and Rudolph Rocker. I found this great little snippet of Wilsonian goodness on youtube and wanted to share it with all of you, while encouraging you to dive into the dazzling, eye-opening, life-affirming world of Robert Anton Wilson! ENJOY!

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